Join the fun!


September First Friday


Join the fun! 🎊 September First Friday 🎨

Leonardtown Art Walk

Annual Arts & Entertainment Celebration

The St. Mary’s County Arts Council and the Town of Leonardtown hosts an annual Art Walk in September. This event celebrates the Leonardtown’s Arts & Entertainment District designation.

Each year our local artists are encouraged to submit artwork to be displayed in all of the businesses around Leonardtown. Our Art Walk contest is an exciting opportunity to view artwork created locally in a wide variety of media and styles with generous prizes awarded to the winners!

Stop by any of the businesses featured on the map in September, pick up a ballot, get the ballot stamped at three different locations, and select your three favorite pieces of art! You can select the art from ANY of the businesses as long as you visit at least three different locations for your ballot to be stamped.

Fun Festivities include:

Vote on Your Favorite Art Piece

  • On September's First Friday of the month, the St. Mary's County Arts Council will provide attendees with an Art Walk Ballot. This ballot includes all the participating businesses where you can find each art piece to vote on your 3 favorites.

    Click HERE to download the Art Walk 2024 Map & Ballot.

  • On the back of the ballot, we have a map of Leonardtown so you can use it as a walking map.

    Click HERE to download the Art Walk 2024 Map & Ballot.

Art Events

  • The Town of Leonardtown will host a free music event in the square for everyone to enjoy!

    Doc Lohn will be performing this September 6, 2024, from 6 PM - 8 PM.

  • At the St. Mary's County Arts Council, we host an audience participation drum circle from 5 PM - 6 PM.

    Bring your own drum or use one of ours!

Plein Air Painters

  • We invite all artists to come out and set up their easels and paint anywhere around the square!