Community Garden Bench Project

Work showcasing the benefit of community gardening

Call for Art

Project Overview:

The Lexington Park Lions Club, together with the Lexington Manor Passive Park Community Garden and St. Mary's County Arts Council, seeks up to six artists to paint six wooden benches created by Eagle Scout Keegan Creswell and members from Boy Scout Troop 561.

A steering committee has created a set of criteria for the design competition, which is titled: Community Garden Bench Project. The committee will review artists' proposals for bench art as well as images of three additional art pieces from each applicant. The committee will select up to six artists who will receive a $1,000 stipend for each bench. (The project total is $6,000, donated by the Lexington Park Lions Club).

Selected artists will receive 50% of the stipend upon selection and the remaining 50% upon project completion. Artists may apply to design more than one bench.

Project applications and proposals are due by November 8, 2024. Selections will be made by November 11, 2024. Artists will be notified on November 12, 2024. Artists will pick up benches (or arrange for delivery to their desired location) by November 17, 2024. Completed benches are due back to the garden by March 1, 2025. Pickup and delivery arrangements will be coordinated with Carla Wilson, the Garden Manager, by email: or call 301-857-9065.


Lexington Manor Park is a passive park located on Three Notch Road across from Patuxent River Naval Air Station. It is a parcel that is owned by St. Mary’s County and run by St. Mary’s County Recreation and Parks. The parcel was the site of the Lexington Manor housing project, which was military housing built in the 1940’s for employees of the Patuxent River Naval Base. The housing was torn down in the 1980’s but many of the cherry trees that were planted from the beginning still remain. We plan to have the benches installed at the Cherry Blossom Festival on March 29, 2025 in the park. The Community Garden offers a welcoming space for residents to grow fresh produce while fostering community connections. With accessible garden plots and events related to gardening and nutrition, the garden supports health, sustainability, and provides excess produce to local food banks.

Submission Deadline:
Friday, November 8, 2024 by 4:00 PM


  • It is preferred that applying artists have successfully completed other art projects of a similar scale.

  • Proven ability to meet requirements and deadlines.

  • Priority will be given to local St Mary’s County artists but Charles and Calvert County artists may apply.

  • The St. Mary’s County Arts Council does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religion, color, national origin, age, ancestry, disability, economic status, or gender identity.


  • $6,000 total for the project.

  • Six artists will be paid $1,000 upon completion of the project.

  • Payments will be split 50%: 

    • Initial payment: November 17, 2024

    • Final payment: March 1, 2025


Application Process:

  • Write a cover letter outlining your interest and qualifications for the project.

  • Provide at least 3 examples of previous work.

  • Your submission(s) must include front and back concept proposals that describe and illustrate the design idea for this project, complete with the proposed color scheme in paint.

  • Artists can submit a concept for more than one bench.

  • Please follow the link above to complete the google form submission.

Project Design Criteria:

Overall design criteria that will help guide the selection of the artist finalists are:

  • Artwork that will complement the project site.

  • The 6 benches will have a different base color with Community Garden values associated with the colors:

    • Red Connect, Share, Care - Building community, social connections

    • Orange A Blooming Space for a Blooming Place - Beautification of public spaces

    • Yellow Nourish Your Body, Nurture Your Soul - Healthy eating, wellness

    • Green Rooted in the Past, Growing for the Future - Habitats, environmental quality, sustainability

    • Blue Water is the Lifeblood of St. Mary’s County - Stormwater management, water quality, conservation

    • Purple Empowerment Grows Here - Social justice, equity, opportunity

  • When painting the main design on the bench, please emphasize the complementary color to the base color as follows:

    • Red Base = Green Design

    • Orange Base = Blue Design

    • Yellow Base = Purple Design

    • Green Base = Red Design

    • Blue Base = Orange Design

    • Purple Base = Yellow Design

Other colors can be used to enhance the design but the majority of the design should consist of the complementary color. 

Please click on images to enlarge
The paint colors are from Sherwin Williams.

  • Art imagery will be focused on flowers, insects, birds, soil, edible fruits and vegetables, and other garden themes. Benches will be used as a teaching illustration for visitors and new gardeners.

  • The front and back of the bench needs to be completed for this project. 

  • Artists may include their signature on the bench (signature not to exceed 1” x 6”) There will be a plaque affixed to the front of the bench to recognize the sponsorship of the Lexington Park Lions Club, which we will provide.

  • Benches will be supplied to the finalists.

  • Bench dimensions and sketches are at the bottom of this page.

  • A one-of-a-kind original design executed with exterior, durable, long lasting paint used to paint the design on the bench.

  • Artists are required to seal the bench with a waterproof seal coat after completion of the project.

  • If artists need assistance with creative space for working on the benches please contact the Susie Glauner at


November 8, 2024
Deadline for submission.

November 11, 2024
Steering Committee to review eligible applicants and select 6 finalists.

November 12, 2024
Artists notified of selection decisions.

November 17, 2024
Artists pick up their benches, 50% of funds paid.

March 1, 2025
Anticipated project completion, final 50% of funds paid.

March 29, 2025
Ribbon Cutting at the Cherry Blossom Festival.

Front Measurements

Back Measurements

Side Measurements




  • Sponsored by:

    Lexington Park Lions Club

  • Supported by:

    St. Mary's County Arts Council